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5 Sweet Tips for A Healthy Halloween


Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Halloween is mostly about costume-clad kids bringing home bags full of sweets, but if you're not careful, it can be bad for your well-being. With some planning, these simple steps can help you feel a little better after a night of too many snacks. Here are 5 tips to keep kids sugar consumption under control this Halloween.

1. Pick your Favourites:

The ritual of sorting and trading sweet collected from a night of trick or treating is a huge part of Halloween fun. This year, instead of keeping all of the sweets when the sorting is done, ask the kids to choose 20-40 of their favorite pieces consider doing something else with the rest.

2. Switch Witch/Halloween Ghost:

A very popular solution to getting rid of extra sweets is to leave it outside for the Switch Witch or Halloween Ghost. In the middle of the night, the sweets get taken away and is replaced with a present. Obviously this present will vary based on the age of the child but books, gift cards and toys are very popular.

3. Donate:

Another popular solution to getting the extra sweets out of the house is to donate it. Kids enjoy donating their candy to troops overseas, homeless shelters and cancer programs that provide candy for chemotherapy patients. Consider starting a donation program at your school where students bring their sweets to the school.

4. Hand out non-food items:

Parents often think that this will make their house unpopular but actually its quite the opposite. Kids are accumulating so much sweets, that getting a fun Halloween toy or game is a fun change. Sugarless gum is also a guilt-free choice that is popular with all age groups.

5. Stock up on a healthy frozen dessert

Ok, so were biased...but, planning ahead and adding a healthy ice cream to the Halloween festivities is a winner! You could even add the sweets as a light topping to some scoops of high protein no sugar added frozen dessert for a more balanced and indulgent treat! Visit us in store or order online.

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